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Free Form Poetry: Circle of Scars

The first thing I'd like to settle is a matter of terminology: we are not victims, we are survivors. These are not scars, these are battle wounds. Every little white line has a story behind it- and though the battle was terrible- we stand here still. We are pillars of strength both mentally and physically. We are warriors for ourselves, guarding our hearts and the hearts of our friends. We are fierce. We are terrible. We are learning to unlearn. And we need your help.


Our armor is worn and heavy: help us trust you that we can take it off. Our minds are weary from being constantly alert: help us melt away the cynicism and lay our burdens down. Our war goes on every day, though the battle is over because we are afraid. 


For us. 
For you. 
For our children. 


Help us understand that here we do not need to bear our weapons. That the strength of our sisters and brothers are our sword and shield, our armor and frontline.. 


We are safe. 
We are loved. 
We are no longer alone.


Love is hard for us to understand sometimes. So is beauty. It is hard to find the grace within when we feel ill inside. Or the gumption to smile when our memories churn and spite us. Or be proud of our bodies when those scars haunt us and we cover them in shame even though we convinced ourselves that they no longer bother us. 


Celebrate us, that we have come this far. That we are like a rose learning to bloom again. And that our thorns are dangerously sharp, but we are sweet and lovely all the same.


Let us cry, for it is healing. It is a release that we must do. Let us curl into a ball and be protected by you, for we will do the same should you ever need it. Let us spit and hiss and wail like a banshee for any wrong done to you, for we need to save you as we could not save ourselves. Let us hold you as we wish we were held.


Let us be amazons and scared little girls. Let us be warriors and frightened little boys. Do not look away from our pain, for it is strength and understanding. And we need you to see us in our many forms and faces. We will bring you our hearts. We will lay down our swords.


We will bloom, with your help, should you give us ground to grow. 

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